Marcos Lemes

Marcos Lemes
Ph.D., University of Manitoba (2010)

University of Manitoba
Department of Environment and Geography & Department of Chemistry, 470 Parker
Winnipeg, MB , Canada R3T 2N2
Tel.: 204-474-6844



ID Assign 1 Assign 2 Mid-term Lab Final Exam Total Grade
  (out of 10) (out of 10) (out of 20) (out of 30) (out of 30) (out of 100)  
6854624 6.35 7.00 10.80 23.05 21.00 68.2 C+
6855817 5.50 8.85 15.90 24.78 24.75 79.8 B+
7613390 4.40 5.35 12.20 20.09 17.40 59.4 C
6839702 6.35 7.00 13.30 25.89 23.85 76.4 B+
6847728 7.30 9.20 18.20 27.24 25.05 87.0 A
6834604 0.00 7.80 12.10 20.13 21.45 61.5 C
6855913 9.80 9.00 16.50 26.44 27.30 89.0 A
7601110 9.50 8.00 10.00 26.67 19.20 73.4 B
7645369 3.95 8.76 9.80 20.57 21.75 64.8 C+
6841050 8.05 9.40 15.30 25.77 27.53 86.0 A
6848895 6.20 8.50 13.60 28.25 26.85 83.4 A
6812285 2.05 9.20 15.00 26.43 27.00 79.7 B+
6825903 9.80 9.60 15.60 26.51 24.45 86.0 A
6813969 6.75 7.53 13.20 26.14 25.73 79.3 B+
7607813 8.65 9.65 17.10 27.16 29.40 92.0 A+
6832859 6.80 7.60 17.40 24.75 27.00 83.6 A
6853332 5.95 8.00 14.70 24.77 26.40 79.8 B+
6819556 0.00 8.30 7.60 21.52 25.95 63.4 C
7613677 7.00 7.66 15.40 26.18 25.95 82.2 A